Monday, April 22, 2013


I enjoyed the career video and found all the jobs interesting. Restoration workers help to restore plants back into the ecosystem after a natural disaster. I did not realize the possibility of plant life disappearing after a hurricane or tornado in an area. Also a biologist studies the animal in aquatic ecosystems and understanding of their lives. Finally fish veterinarians protect and take care of the fish. They can be disease specialists. This could be a very interesting job with the potential to save a whole species of fish.
The oxygen and carbon dioxide cycle ion a pond varies through out the day. At night the pond has a very low O2 and high CO2. Where as during the day the pond has high O2 and low CO2. This is because plants and other producers use oxygen as a waste product. Oxygen moves from the plants into the air. All living things get energy from cellular respiration. Because of this carbon dioxide is produced as a waste product. Therefore the oxygen produced during photosynthesis is used in cellular respiration. And the carbon dioxide produced in cellular respiration is used in photosynthesis. This creates the oxygen-carbon dioxide cycle!

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