Sunday, April 14, 2013

Ponds and Rivers

This video was very interesting and I learned several new facts about freshwater ecosystems. If a body of water is more than four yards wide it is considered a lake. Two; more of the worlds creatures depend on ponds and river than the ocean. Also 1/3 of the worlds freshwater is in the Amazon River. Fourthly, China's yellow river is the muddiest river in the world!! Water is also extremely beneficial in helping ease fertilization. Sixthly, the Grand Canyon was formed by the Colorado River. The Hindus also believed the Ganges river was holy and an important river to bathe oneself in at least once in their lifetime. Also the Aw swan Dam took 30 years for the egyptians to construct. Eighthly the drowned village is a famous myth that is discussed by many water researchers. Ninthly the hindus also believed that the "four rivers of life", would bring enlightenment. Tenth and lastly I learned that the water cycle is often referred to as "The Great Journey". The different beliefs I learned about from this video and how water coincided with faith for many people was a common factor in these different facts. However in contrast the different lakes and dams were often created by man instead of by the earth.

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