Thursday, April 11, 2013


My partner Caitlin Gildenblatt and I chose to have two bamboo shrimp in our ten gallon tank. Species name: Atyopsis moluccensis. They are filter feeders and can reach four to five inches. These particular Bamboo shrimp live in fresh water ecosystems. As far as their life within a tank it is important that their Water parameters has a: pH 6.5 – 7.4, soft water, ammonia and nitrites 0 ppm, temperature 73-82 F.
These shrimp enjoy to hide in their ecosystems and it is recommended to give them the ability to hide from light. We places a small house in the tank for that purpose. However on my observation they haven't gone inside yet. It is important to know that these shrimp are extremely difficult to breed. And can almost not be bred within captivity. Also if breeding they require brackish water then freshwater later.

1 comment:

  1. FYI, our water is very hard. If you need soft water you are going to need to supply distilled water or check with the pet store to see what you need to do to soften our school water. Good pictures of the shrimp. I look forward to seeing them when I come back to school Monday.

    Ms. Wood - Don't forget to do your aquarium project blog!!
