Sunday, May 19, 2013


The Golden Algae!
The Golden Algae has been a very interesting algae for me to learn about. This algae is the size of a human blood cell, one drop of water can contain over 2,000 golden algae. The adaptations of the golden algae include two tails so that it can swim faster and move around better. They are a growing 'breed' of algae. As another adaptation Golden Algae release toxins into the water. These toxins negatively effect gill breathing aquatic life such as fish and clams. It has a very high resistance to the different ecosystems which makes it even faster growing. Whenever these toxins are released into the water and reach the fish they will begin to bleed internally. Eventually this leads to death. An interesting fact about the Golden Algae is that most often a bloom of Golden Algae is also considered a 'fish kill', because of all the fish death. Also they are most often found in fresh water environments and finally they were discovered in Texas in the year of 1985 since then 41 different 'fish kills' have been linked to the Golden Algae in Texas!

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