Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Water Hyacinth

Scientific Name: Eichornia crassipes
Common Name: Water Hyacinth or "The World's Worst Weed"
Description: Beautiful purple flowers with green petals and shoot. This was originally brought from South America because of their delicate and pretty color.
Reproduction: The Water Hyacinth can produce two to three thousand seeds as well as reproduction through daughter plants. It is one of the fastest growing plants known.
Problems Caused: The Water Hyacinth takes up nutrients from the water and in turn produces H-ions that acidify it killing the life. The dense mats it forms on top of the water lowers the levels of oxygen as well as blocks navigation in the water.
Prevention: In order to prevent Water Hyacinth many scientists have discovered that you can spray pesticides that will kill the weed. However it is quick to grow causing the damage and the fixing of bodies of water to play a nonstop game of cat and mouse.

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