Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Eurasian WaterMilfoil

Scientific Name: Myriophyllum spicatum
Common Name: Eurasian Watermilfoil
Description: When the water milfoil is growing stems are red. However it is mostly found green and is a submergent plant.
Reproduction: The Watermilfoil is spread by seeds as well as fragments breaking off. It has also been spread by birds that have carried it across America.
Problems Caused: The Watermilfoil shades the needed sunlight from the water causing suffocation and death to the plants and animals. It also impedes navigation in the water.
Prevention: In order to prevent Watermilfoil from spreading there are fish that specifically eat plant life. Unfortunately this is risky and the only fish that can be introduced to the weeds must be sterol so that their population can not multiply and destroy the ecosystem.

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