Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Alligator Weed

Scientific Name: Alternanthera philaxeroides
Common Name: Alligator Weed
Description: White flowers in center with green leaves stretching out of different sides that are pointed.
Reproduction: Alligator Weed can spread through seeds as well as plant fragments being dropped.
Problems Caused: The problems caused by Alligator Weed is extremely aggressive. They form mats along the surface of the water. They always get in the way of water navigation and can bring harm to the vegetation if not treated. By not allowing sun to enter the water Alligator Weed is causing plant death.
Prevention: The best way to prevent Alligator Weed is by spraying the area of the weed with herbicides or taking large machines and digging up the weed life trying to end it's spread.

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