Monday, May 13, 2013

Toads vs. Frogs

A. Frogs generally have the characteristics of bulging eyes, strong hind feet that are adapted for leaping and swimming. Smooth, slimy skin.  Whereas Toads have short stubby bodies with short hind feet as well for walking instead of hopping. Their skin is also dry and sometimes contains warts.
B. Amphibians are a good example of the health of an ecosystem because of how delicate they are. For instance before touching a frog you wet your hands with their water, or else you could harm and kill them. Their skin is absorbent of chemicals and other toxins that could be in the water. Because of this amphibian population can change with the ecosystem health.
There has in fact been a severe decrease in amphibian population over the last fifty years. The polluted waters have harshly effect their lively hood and caused them to die of toxins and diseases their immune system could not withstand. In order to prevent the populations to continue to dwindle it is important that we begin cleaning the water. For years factories have dumped their trash and toxins into the ocean and other lakes killing fish and amphibian life.

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