Monday, May 13, 2013

Assessing a pond

First the person assessing the pond should observe the area and water. A lot can be discovered by just looking at its surroundings and possible issues created or helpful plant and animal life. Next the observer should look for dead or decaying plants and animals and the possibilty of algae blooms within the pond. This could possibly appear alongside foam ontop of the water. This could be because of too much phosphorus in the pond. Although phosphorous is a natural resource in ponds if there becomes more than necessary it will begin an algae bloom. Next the observer should collect samples of the water as well as insects and algae. This would be important in order to know what kind of ecosystem this pond has. Because not every body of water is the same and some insects or algae may be more prevenlant which could be harmful to the water or helpful. Finally after you have collected the water samples you should do the pH, nitrite, ammonia, nitrate, and temperature test on them. However make sure they are all different samples of the same water so that it is controlled and not polluted with the different testing aids. Because ponds are natural body of water it is important to not try and control the ecosystem. Understanding the issues facing the pond as well as strengths is a useful tool in being able to know the aquatic ecosystem better.

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