Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Scientific Name: Hydrilla verticuillata
Common Name: Hydrilla
Description: Grows from bottom of ocean to the top. Long green shoots that extend upward with petals around it.
Reproduction: Through Tubers, Turions, stolons and fragments. They do not have seeds. However they can grow more than an inch a day and because they are so fast growing it is extremely hard to control.
Problems Caused: Hydrilla also shades out desired sunlight and impedes navigation in the water for vegetation.
Prevention: In order to prevent the spread of Hydrilla boat owners must sufficiently clean off all parts of the boat before taking it anywhere else. For instance Hydrilla could get caught on a propeller, in which case it is imperative the owner hose off their boats then burn the Hydrilla or at least throw it into the garbage.

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